Sunday, 16 October 2011

World Wide SketchCrawl No. 33

There is a path leading across the roof of the War Museum which provides spectacular vistas in all directions.  The war Museum roof is a a green roof - in this sketch you can just make out the peak of the Peace Tower (Parliament Buildings) over the natural prarie grasses flowing across the museum roof.  This sketch had to be done quickly to beat the impending rain and the closing of the museum rooftop path.  Great end to a day made better with a pint on Preston Avenue!

World Wide SketchCrawl No. 33

Original artist's plaster maquette for the Vimy Memorial in France

World Wide SketchCrawl No. 33

The "Regeneration Hall" inside the war Museum is spectacular.  Designed by award winning Architect Raymond Moriyama, the space is constructed of exposed structural steel  and concrete, intentionally built off the orthagonal to instill a feeling of unease.   The hall is reminiscent of the inside of the hull of a battleship.  The sculptural figures are the original artist maquettes for the Vimy Memorial built in France in 1936 dedicated in memory of the Canadian soldiers killed in the First World War.  These figures are haunting in their beauty.  A must read for any one interested in the Vimy Memorial sculptures is Jane Urquhart's book "The Stone Carvers".

World Wide SketchCrawl No. 33

Just across the street from the Canadian War Museum is an old mill and power generating station that dates back to the time that Ottawa was a lumber town.  

Friday, 14 October 2011

ManleyArt Studio

Me in the studio in front of 2 paintings painted live at the 2011 Ottawa Bluesfest.